how to choose the right price for products and services

Why can't the price be the most important parameter to evaluate?

Today we talk about an important issue: the price of the products!

More and more aggressive advertising and ever higher costs certainly affect this aspect, which is why we will try to understand better why the price cannot be the only aspect to consider when evaluating a product. Obviously this is true for several sectors, but we will go into detail on our sector.

Here are some considerations to make:

  1. THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT - when you consult quotes it is essential to verify that the products are comparable. How can I compare apples to strawberries? It is not possible. For example, a doormat taken from Bricoman or similar cannot be compared with a professional doormat. I should ask myself several questions, such as, how long it will last, if it is handcrafted, the print quality (so as not to fade over time) and other questions. DO NOT COMPARE A PRODUCT ONLY ON THE BASIS OF THE PRICE, IT MAKES NO SENSE
  2. BOOMERANG EFFECT - often when we buy a product we hear phrases like: “I bought this product, it's a pity that after a year it broke. Now I have to buy a new one ”. So what seemed cheap is no longer cheap. Always consider that if a product breaks, is no longer functional or of poor quality (in our case, for example, if the print quality is not good) you will spend more than you had budgeted! VALUE YOUR PURCHASE WELL
  3. ASSISTANCE / SUPPORT - when a product works there are no problems, but when it doesn't work who do we turn to? To assistance! If the latter does not exist or is not efficient, then there is trouble !!!! This is why this aspect too cannot be underestimated. When we have a doubt it is essential to contact a support team able to satisfy our requests. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS POINT
  4. ARE YOU A COMPANY? THE FIRST 3 POINTS ARE EVEN MORE IMPORTANT!  - Having a 360 ° view is essential for a company. Many factors affect valuations. For example, if I do not invest in the image it is difficult for it to be noticed, if I buy a poor quality product soon I will have to buy a new one ..


The price is certainly important but it cannot be the only parameter to be evaluated !! Always keep this in mind !!